Top Poker Tips For Beginners

For the uninitiated, it can be daunting to have to face experienced players who can pick up your tells straight away. For those who’ve yet to play a round of poker – be it Texas Hold’em, Omaha Hi, Razz, 5-card stud, 7 card stud, there are plenty of skills you need to hone before you play alongside those who’ve been playing for years. Luckily, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can employ before those first cards are dealt to help you fake it till you make it and develop a trusted strategy of your own.

Frankenstein Mobile Touch Slot Reviewed for Smartphone Players

Frankenstein Mobile Touch Slot Reviewed

This is another one of NetEnt’s rather spooky collection of horror story slot games. Like the ones that feature vampires and others of a similar stream this one is called Frankenstein Touch mobile slot and as the title less than subtly nods toward it is based on the story of the crazed scientist that brought to life a monster made largely from corpses. Players will immediately pick up on the tone being broadcast from this mobile slot theme from the moment they begin the game and watch the well put together intro movie that brings the characters, theme and symbols on the reels into the light, at least partly so. On the reels of this mobile game the whole affair is both rather nerve wracking and quite interesting.

Review on Sunset Station Casino and Hotel

In the United States, Nevada is a Mecca for gambling and luxury land-based casinos. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country and the world flock to the state for a taste of the gambling action. Visitors to Henderson Nevada might want to stop off and check out the Sunset Station Hotel and Casino. This popular off-strip casino complex is located on Sunset Road near Interstate 515. The casino resort includes a world class casino as well as a 21 story hotel tower with 488 rooms, a movie theatre, a bingo hall, a bowling alley, an outdoor amphitheatre as well as 9 restaurants.